Dealer can’t connect via web management, remote logix or remote admin:
Have dealer try to ping Key machine IP from remote PC, if not successful they will need to contact their IT dept. If successful there may be something blocking the connection vie IE from remote pc to keymachine running remote logix or web man. IP may not be registered under remote admin setup on older KR builds 10.**
Tag reader stops working:
Clips are damaged on circuit board or cable is shorting Web based, something blocking active x driver required to run reader in IE (due to update or change in network security) Key Register tag reader rs232 adapter needs to be set to com 1 on local PC in device manager USB adapter driver 1 wire adapter needs to be loaded again
FP reader not working:
Reboot system Check for light on reader (either red or blue) Clean reader lens with either Clorox or Lysol disinfectant wipe and try again Check usb cable for damage. Reader may need to be replaced – users can use name and password to logon in the interim If users do not remember password, system admin can change password in user maintenance.