How do I quickly cancel all print jobs queued for a single printer?

From the root login, enter the following command:

      /advent/app/util/canall printername

where printername is replaced by the name of the printer that has the offending print jobs you wish to cancel.

This utility is especially useful when the lpstat command will not report pending print jobs due to LPD network access timeouts.

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What printers are supported by the Advent software?

The following printers (or printer emulations) are currently supported by Advent:

  • Any laser printer with HPCL 5 support
  • Any dot matrix printer with Epson FX80 emulation
  • Any dot matrix printer with Epson LQ500 emulation
  • Any dot matrix printer with Fujitsu DPL24C emulation
  • Any impact printer with Fujitsu SP320 emulation (this includes the ADP 32LQ printer)
  • AMT 535
  • AMT 635
  • Okidata ML320 (in FX-80 mode)
  • Okidata ML520 (in FX-80 mode)
  • Tharo Bar Code Printer
Other printers are supported via a generic print driver, however many printing capabilities are not supported.
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Is the Advent system damaged by unexpected power outages?

Most Advent servers are protected by an Uninterruptable Power Supply or UPS. A UPS can provide anywhere from 2 to 6 hours of battery power to a system when a power outage occurs. Unfortunately the UPS only protects the main server, not all the peripherals. Therefore, even though the server is running, no-one can use it because all terminals and printers are likely to be without power. The UPS also protects the server from power surges and brownouts.

The Advent server runs the Unix operating system. Unix is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system that is very different from DOS and Windows. Any user of DOS or Windows3.1 knows they can simply turn off their PC when they are done. When Windows95 was released, it required the user to execute a shutdown procedure before turning off the system. This is because Windows95 does multi-tasking and before powering off, it must make sure to properly terminate all running programs and close all open files. Unix is the same; it must go through a shutdown procedure to terminate programs and close files before powering off. For this reason, if the Advent server is not protected by a UPS, it is possible (although remote) that the Unix file system could be damaged by an unexpected power outage. Almost all Unix file system damage can be repaired by a procedure called a File System Check or fsck. When Unix boots up, it automatically checks to see if the system was properly shutdown, and if not, it executes a File System Check to correct any problems. Anyone who has ever powered up an Advent server after a long power outage will be familiar with the Phase Checks done by fsck. Depending on the size of the file systems on the server, fsck can take up to 15 minutes to complete its repairs.

In summary if the Advent server is protected by a UPS, brownouts, surges, and limited duration outages will have no impact on the system. If an outage extends beyond to battery life of the UPS, Unix will automatically repair any file system damages done.


  1. Make sure the Advent server is protected by a UPS.
  2. If you know that power will be out for an extended period of time, perform a shutdown on the Advent server and power it down until a reliable source of power is restored.
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Can't scan new California drivers license.

Drivers license




I can't Scan the new California drivers license.


Error code-Read Incomplete, Magnetic Stripe May be Damaged.




NOTE: SCO executables are in advmain /advent/app/bin, ISC executables are in advdev /advscou1/359/app/bin.

Send the client the new executable files which are:

  1. advsale
  2. advups
  3. advpros
  4. advcust

When installing the new executable files in the client�s host, you don�t have to have everyone log off. What you need to do is this:

  1. copy the advsale executable in client�s host in /advent/app/bin to advsale.old or advsale.MMYY( where MM � month, YY year ), or whatever name that would describe the old advsale, without overwriting an existing OLD advsale executable. Example: In client host:cp advsale advsale.old
  2. repeat step 1 for all executable files:advups,advpros,and advcust.
  3. remove the executable files since you have already copied them to another file, *.old.


    In client host:

    • rm advsale
    • rm advups
    • rm advcust
    • rm advpros
  4. Now move the new executable files to /advent/app/bin. The files you sent should be in the /usr/spool/uucppublic directory in client host.

    In client host:

    • cd /usr/spool/uucppublic ls -l
      /* make sure the executables are there!!! */
    • mv advsale /advent/app/bin
    • mv advups /advent/app/bin
    • mv advpros /advent/app/bin
    • mv advcust /advent/app/bin
  5. Change the mode to have executable permissions.

    In client host:

    • cd /advent/app/bin
    • chmod +x advsale
    • chmod +x advups
    • chmod +x advpros
    • chmod +x advcust

-Client should now be able to scan the new California drivers license.

NOTE: In case the client is still receiving the error message: ��Read Incomplete, Magnetic Stripe May be Damaged-�, have the client swipe the drivers license in another direction.

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Forms with Black Bar Kicking Out Of Printer Before Printing is Complete

Printing forms contracts


AMT 535 printers


A form will print correctly until a (preprinted) black bar is encountered, then the form is ejected from the printer. When another sheet is inserted, the remainder of the text will print on the top of the new sheet, then it will be ejected.


The printer encounters a black space and senses that the end of the form has been reached. The unprinted text remains in the printer buffer and prints on the next form inserted.




Go into Setup mode on the printer and set the �black bar� feature (#51) to �ON�