FAQ: System Usage

How do I Check out Keys?
  1. Log Into System with User Credentials (Either Username/Password or Fingerprint)
  2. Select [Check Out]
  3. Search/Find The desired Key, Highlight and Either Double Click or click [>>>]
  4. Click [Get Keys] and the Drawer will Unlock, Selected Keys are lit up with an LED
  5. Remove Desired Key(s) and Close Drawer to complete the Action
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How do I create a User? (Administrator Privledges Required)
  1. Log Into System with User Credentials (Either Username/Password or Fingerprint)
  2. Go to Data Maintenance
  3. Click "Add User"
  4. Fill in required fields
  5. Select the appropriate bank from the expand list under 'M'.
  6. Key in the residual value, rate and term.
  7. Payment will be disclosed in the payment field labelled 'P'.
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How do I add a field to my custom deal screen?
  1. Go into sale control.
  2. Go to 9 (Custom Screen).
  3. Put the deal type into the field and the name of the custom screen into its field.
  4. To add a field you go to an open space, press <F1> expand, and select the field you want to add. Put the letter in and press enter.
  5. Hit <F9> to get out of the screen.

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