How do I Check out Keys?
- Log Into System with User Credentials (Either Username/Password or Fingerprint)
- Select [Check Out]
- Search/Find The desired Key, Highlight and Either Double Click or click [>>>]
- Click [Get Keys] and the Drawer will Unlock, Selected Keys are lit up with an LED
- Remove Desired Key(s) and Close Drawer to complete the Action
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How do I create a User? (Administrator Privledges Required)
- Log Into System with User Credentials (Either Username/Password or Fingerprint)
- Go to Data Maintenance
- Click "Add User"
- Fill in required fields
- Select the appropriate bank from the expand list under 'M'.
- Key in the residual value, rate and term.
- Payment will be disclosed in the payment field labelled 'P'.
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How do I add a field to my custom deal screen?
- Go into sale control.
- Go to 9 (Custom Screen).
- Put the deal type into the field and the name of the custom screen into its field.
- To add a field you go to an open space, press <F1> expand, and select the field you want to add. Put the letter in and press enter.
- Hit <F9> to get out of the screen.